feel like giving up
on 6/11/07 11:32 pm - PA
Call your doctor and tell him that you are in this much pain and tell him that if he doesn't think you need pain meds, then he needs to see you because something is NOT right. Tell him, if he doesn't help you, you are going to your PCP or to the emergency room. You are not well and its not in your head. If you are in this much pain at this point and he feels you shouldn't be, then something may be wrong. Don't sit back and take it. Doctors are human, they can make mistakes too.
Plus, your nutrional balance is a very important right now, and you being in so much pain that you can't even eat may bring on even more serious problems and pro-long the healing process. Yell, scream, shout, get some attention! i'll be thinking about you.

Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"

I know Dr. Orseck did is telling you this, but can't Dr. Ross give you something?? They both did the surgery, didn't they?? And I know that Dr. Ross wouldn't want you to be in so much pain. He also needs to know how you are being treated by Dr. Orseck. Hang in there, sweetie!!! I'll keep you in my prayers!! (we missed you tonight)!!!
