LCBBers - Pizza Inn Issues - PLEASE READ
Since I have been the contact person, I have been asked to address an issue at Pizza Inn. For those of you who bring your children, they would like for us to tell the kids they need to stay with our group. Since we meet in a separate room, please just tell your children they cannot leave that room without you and that should solve the problem. I know that because we stay awhile the kids have gotten more comfortable, but we need to remember we are in a restaurant.
If the kids want to get something from the bar, the parent needs to take them up to the bar and help them make selections. Children should not ask the wait staff for anything and do not belong in the kitchen or around the food unsupervised. If a child picks up something from the bar and sets it back down, they are supposed to throw that food away. Obviously they shouldn't be responsble for monitoring the bar at all times. Typically when kids are given the "child's" buffet bar, they do not allow them to order special pizzas. Because we are adults, they have allowed us to ask for a special pizza to be put in. However, we need to be careful not to order a bunch of different things and our children should never be allowed to request a special pizza. I am going to tell the waitresses and manager at Pizza Inn if a child asks for something separate from their parent to please tell them no, they need to have their Mom or Dad order for them.
Finally, I would like to put in a personal note. Please remember to tip the waitress. Those ladies are paid just life the servers at every other restaurant. They try to take good care of us and, even though we eat at a child's rate, we still make a mess they have to clean up and we take up table space. My suggestion is to tip them at the rate you would if you were paying for the "adult" buffet.
Hope I haven't offended anyone. I know it is hard to keep the kids happy all of the time, but we just need to see if we can do a little better. Maybe we could bring a game or color books or something else to occupy them while we talk? I'm open to suggestions.