OT: Paris Hilton!
on 6/8/07 5:46 am - PA

DISCLAIMER: DYSLEXIA = ALL CAPS TELL ME AGAIN I HAVE A LAUGH OR CRAP BAND BUT I HAVE STILL LOST JUST AS MUCH AS YOU, SO KISS MY CHOKE CHAIN!!!!!!!Banded march 07 Bonified BANDit for life Start 286-Now 173-Goal 150 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
on 6/8/07 6:10 am - PA
LOL!!! i think she was crying because they wouldn't give her time to put on her 5 layers of make-up, hair extensions, name brand clothes or time to pose infront of the mirror before they took her to court.
She actually to step out in public with messed up hair, NO make up and in sloppy clothes. The NERVE of them!!!!
Now if only she could stay the next 45 days in jail and we won't have to hear about her again. That would be heaven!!
Maybe she will even disappear from the limelight PERMANENTLY!!
I can dream right?