wierd pain question
I'm 17 days out from my rny surgery. According to my doctor I should be on stage 6. I haven't even tried most of the stuff like lean ground beef etc. Anyway all I'm able to swallow is water, protien drink, pudding and refried beans. Anything else starts giving me pain right below inbetween my breast. I then feel like i need to burb and burb and then get sick. Well tonight it happened with pudding and the pain was worse. Does anybody know what could be wrong? My doctor isn't back from out of town till Monday. I'm sure someone would be on call but want to wait on him. Or is this just normal? Thanks, Renee
-Garth Brooks
Jimmy Buffett
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I hope by now you are feeling better!!! The area you are talking about is where your pouch is. It doesn't take much to be full (which isn't the same kind of full feeling that we had before surgery), and it will be painful in your pouch. However, if all you are able to get down is soft smushy foods, or liquids, you may have a stricture. Just be sure to keep with the liquids until Monday, and call Angie as soon as you can then. Dr. Ross wouldn't want you to be miserable!!!
Will I see you on Tuesday???