Getting rid of bigger clothes............

LOL! Don't feel alone on this issue, I am having the same problem.I already have two big bags of clothes packed up and I still have the entire closet to go through, since more stuff has gotten bigger since I went through it last. Those two big bags are still in my spare bedroom and I am having a difficult time getting rid of them. I keep thinking the way you do, that I might need them again, lol, then I tell myself that I won't ever need them again... and I keep playing the same old senerio over and over. I just need to load them up and go to a clothes exchange or yard sale them, then take the left overs to Goodwill, but then I think about all the money I had spent on those clothes. Geez, nothing is ever simple, especially when I should be jumping up and down
over the fact they don't fit anymore, lol.
Take care!
Jimmy Buffett