its all about the skin rashes. at least at aetna... I know you dont have aetna, but most insurances follow medicare guidelines for coverage unless an employer specifically EXCLUDES it. so what you gotta do is go to your Dr for rashes, irritations...whatever. Try a few failed treatments... take the pics... and TADA!!!
Some insurances will even do the legs too. depending on the skin... I know Aetna paid for it a few times because I h elped the folks get it authed.. CONGRATULATIONS BECKY!!! WAY TO GO!!!! THATS WAY COOL!!! Crys
You go girl. I am so happy for you. Isn't it great how your whole life seems to be falling into place!!!!!!!! Now if only we could stop you from moving.
I have something funny to tell ya, call me when your'e not working tomorrow. I am going to the gym early (5:30am), and I'll be free anytime you get to call me.