My daughter Jessica needs help!!
Hi Girlfriends,
Please pray for our daughter Jessica,
We're really worried about her, She seems to have no goal in life and doesn't want to do anything, She doesn't want to look for a job, has no friends and just sleeps all day long, when Dean is at work and I'm cleaning a house or running errands, she is sleeping, I have came home at 4:00 in the evening and she would still be sleeping OR up in her PJ's playing computer games, and eating junk.
She does nothing around the house, NOTHING.
So we took Wed. night church from her, which is something she always looked forward to (She still goes on Sundays) we also took the computer from her. We pray constantly for her, she just has no interest in anything. She really seems to have depression, she won't talk to us about anything, she is just silent, I try so hard to encourage her, talk with her, but nothing. Yet at church, she gives her all and no one would ever know anything was wrong.
Any suggestions would be great.
Love Debra & Dean
Hi! First, let me say that I am praying for your family, not just Jessica... I am the youth director at my church so I see teens in all sorts of emotional climates. If you could stand some advice, take Jessica to the doctor. If she has not had one, she needs a complete physical. There could be something medically out of sorts which is driving her symptoms. Is she sleeping at night? Could she have sleep apnea? My husband had that (prior to Gastric Bypass) he had no energy, would sleep constantly, but could stay awake for things that interested him... If those things don't help, perhaps counseling would be in order.... have you talked to your pastor? Again, you guys are in my prayers!!!

You know I got you in my prayers. I'm wondering about the depression. The first thing she mentioned to me was the fact that her pants used to be too small for you, and now they are too big for you. I'm wondering if she is having some depression/self esteem proglems....especially seeing you transforming right before her eyes. She is so sweet and I just hate this for her. Does she have any friends her age? I'll keep her in my prayers.
Love ya,
