Schedule for JIll's far
Hey Deb! Thanks for posting the info. I know Jill appreciates all of this. In my talking to Jill I was under the impression that we were going to do Poogan's and Carriage ride on Friday because I am off. So if it is not a big deal, can me play with the schedule a little so I can go on the Carriage Ride and do the downtown thing on Friday, like the market. I also know that Susann had suggested Karoke on Friday night which I think would be fun. Also if I can make another suggestion, I would do the Carriage Ride in the AM and the boat trip in the afternoon. Those carriages are REALLY SLOW, as you know when you are behind one while driving DT . Plus you will get the afternoon ocean breeze on the boat. Also I can get discounted tickets for the carriage ride. It is not alot off I think about $2. There is also a 9am or something like that for one of the companies that is only $15 as opposed to $20. Just some ideas. Thanks again! Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I will check on the carriage rides tomorrow. I think I have to get the tickets in advance from my HR department. I took the rest of the day off to try and sleep but it is not working. I will post in a minute about the poll for the carriage ride. I am not sure about the boat trip but I will check tomorrow and let you know. I will try and call tomorrow to let you know.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
OK I just checked our perks and I can not get the discount tickets for the boat ride Sorry. Did you have down the Aquarium? I can get discount tickets for that place as well. Like I said I will call you tomorrow and will talk .
Thanks Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hey Deb, got a couple of things to ask. I work DT and would love to meet you guys for lunch at Poogan's Porch on Friday. Maybe you could call me when you are headed that way and I can come join you? Also, I can't do much Thursday night after LCBB so I am going to leave that to those who are off on Friday. I know I am a bit of a wuss, but getting up at 6:00 every morning, I need my beauty sleep . Besides, I read if you get 8 hours a night you lose weight better.....and I try anything and everything in that regard..... Becky and I were talking about going to the bar on Ashley Phosphate they went to before for karoke. It is a small, quiet bar so we can enjoy each other, plus dance, sing and have fun. Sometimes when you go to a big place like Wild Wings there isn't much chance to talk....just a suggestion/thought.
Do you know which beach we are going to on Sunday. Just curious......