Where is the ups meeting this week and what time?
I want to try to come I could use some support and cheering up. Besides I am in the mood for some drinks. Hey I am 21
DISCLAIMER: DYSLEXIA = ALL CAPS TELL ME AGAIN I HAVE A LAUGH OR CRAP BAND BUT I HAVE STILL LOST JUST AS MUCH AS YOU, SO KISS MY CHOKE CHAIN!!!!!!!Banded march 07 Bonified BANDit for life Start 286-Now 173-Goal 150 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Sounds like you would fit right in.
OR Dr. Bour would think so. Disclaimer: We aren't the party people and drunks that it may appear on this board. We are a bunch of caring loving people that like to have a drink ever now and then
I don't know if we are doing anything after the meeting or not. Ladies, what are your feelings? I know I probably coming to Dr. Bours but I am not sure about if we are going out tonight. we don't go out every monday, it just depends on the mood and obligations of the group. Keep checking the boards throughout the day.
Make sure you introduce yourself to me at Dr. Bours. I'll be wearing a red and black dress (very light and weighs very little)
See you then.

"This learning to live again...is killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks