Any digital scrapbookers out there?
I am a digital scrapbooker and I want to scrap my weight loss. I have looked and looked for weight loss kits and have only come across 1 which was ok. I have decided to create my own kits and will offer them for sale when I finish them. I would love to hear other scrapper's input on what kind of things they would use in a kit.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Rachel,
Digital Scrapbooking is the latest craze! You use photo editing software such as Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop to create digital layouts that you can email, print and share. I have a website that will give you some examples of digital layouts. It is: I haven't updated it in a while so none of my newer layouts are there.
P.S. Do you go to the Monday night post surgery groups at Dr. Bours?