You learn something new every day!
And yes my picture is ugly as you know what and I am going to change my pic on my license and might tell the truth about my weight this time...not sure yet. It is due to expire in Nov...but it is falling apart so I might have to go do it even sooner.
J ~ No thanks are ever needed from you ... you can post anything you darn well please here! (At least until OH starts focusing on the State boards with those scary Moderator eyes like they do on the main board.) I've lived in GA and SC, and both states have your weights on the license. For years, mine said 180, then I got a little more honest in the mid-80's and changed it to 230. That's where i left it ... even when I weighed 330! I had my WLS last May, and my license was due to be renewed this past March, so I was looking forward to having the picture and weight changed to something a little more honest. Before March got here, I got a few comments from store clerks who noticed the difference in my picture. I had so much fun going in for my new license, and telling them to change that freakin' weight! (Although I lied again ... I said 170, which is my goal right now. It's not too much of a stretch .. I'm only 8 pounds away.) And for the first time since I was 16, I was not mortified at my license photo!
And no shame on the white fib you told to get that new photo on your license. I can imagine I would have done the same thing, if my renewal date hadn't fallen at the right time!
on 6/3/07 12:22 am - PA