OH in Atlanta, GA - Anyone interested
omg! that is funny! My sister has a sign in her place that says..... "want a little cheese with that whine???" LOL!
All I need is a dixie cup,c'mon?! lololol
I was 1/2 kidding about the wine.... 1/2! (I am so excited, yet a little nervous to meet all of you at once..... lol)
I really have no problem eating a regular slice of pizza, was just teasin about the 'pizza bowl' cause i had only first heard of of it here on this board last night! its a great idea though! esp with all those low carb fanatics out there these days usually I dont eat all my crust, but i do like some. :O
You can whine all you want, and you can laugh and anything else..... I am so ready! I adore you!
Count me in. What weekend is it so I can go ahead and start planning? Would love to share a room. It would be a shame to miss it with them so close.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!