thanks and an update
Thanks everyone for all your responses. It really means alot.
There were a few questions so I am going to answer them all in one post. First, I go every Monday to get blood drawn for INR, CBC, etc. I am seeing a hematologist/oncologist. My blood pressure is low. I take milk thistle because my liver levels were elevated. I have not been walking or exercising b/c of low energy and short of breath. I went today and got my TED stockings that I have to wear forever.
I have protein s and c deficiency. I talked to the nurse today and she said that the dr thinks that 13 is still a little low. Because of my surgical history and blood clotting history he wants it at 20. So, I have to call back tomorrow and speak with the dr about what to do. Wish me luck. Today I did not have a headache so that is some improvement. I do feel a little better today. I guess the bag of fluids yesterday helped!
So, that is about it. Now I ask a favor. Please pray for my children. I have a daughter who had 8 teeth removed today and is in a lot of pain! She is 10. My 7 year old son had a EEG b/c they think he has Tourette's or some form of movement disorder. So please pray my babies heal soon.
Thanks for all your love and support....