Where's the support???
LOL!!!! I feel like I am in middle school. Like I could tell Kathy what to do???!!! You like to start stuff up don't you. You don't need to be messing with my mind...it is already messed up enough.
Thanks for sending me down memory lane of middle school!! Those were such weird times.
Guess some of us never grow up...just kidding.

"This learning to live again...is killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

Growing up is over rated, dontcha think??
But---I heard that Stephanie told Patti that Kathy told Mary that Diana's new hairstylist has a secret about YOU!!!
p.s....are you going to the prom with anyone????
The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin