Thinking about plastics

Hi Susann, I will talk to you in detail about this too when I am there next month! "the girls" omg.. I love that expression! Being just 9 days out I have to say I am so happy about this already. Yes, I would like a flatter stomach, but I would not need a TT fortunately... but my legs I hate. My plastic surgeon said that she would not do anything with them though, but she did recommend I see a vascular doctor.....
Its funny (not really haha funny) but once we get to goal.... and you really start wanting to do all these other things.
omg.. now everyone will be looking at my legs so i will have to wear pants... lol. but they are seriously bad. its from carrying all that weight for so long. She said that there was nothing she could really do though.
I figure I will wait until I am healed from this current surgery.....
Cant wait to see you!
I was the same way Dawn. Never dreamed I would go for plastics. But the more skin I got, the more I knew I would do something. Wasn't even thinking I would go for the boobs, but after talking to the doc I figured - what the heck.
I really don't think my insurance will cover anything, so I am probably going to wait until after the first of the year. I have some "cafeteria" medical money, plus my income tax refund, so it will put a dent in it. After that I will just use the good old plastic and pay it off as I can....I figure I am worth it!
Thank you, Susann, for making me get off my duff and do something. I just scheduled my consult with Dr. Harvey for June 11th!!!! I'm excited and nervous too. I don't know what he is going to say or recommend. I wonder if he does butt implants. I have no butt anymore (not that I had much of one before WLS). I'm excited and very happy for you. This is like the end of our journey - getting plastics to "finish" our new look. Woohoo - you go girl!!!!