karington update

Jennifer R.
on 5/26/07 3:26 am - Spartanburg, SC

rob just brought my laptop up here so i can update.. Heres the full scoop..

Wednesday night I wiped Karington after she pottied.. and she said "ouch" so I thought that maybe she had a raw area from not wiping very good. So I got a washcloth and washed her good, went to put powders on her and I saw it wasnt a raw spot.. It was what looked like a boil beside her rectum on her buttcheek. i was like "OKAY" , weve never had boils in our family so I didnt know what to think , but knew she needed to go to the doc the next day.. the next morning I checked it and it had doubled in size.. so i called the doc and took her there.. By now it was the size of her fist. about to burst through her skin.. The doctor said she had a deep tissue infection that it might be a bad kind called mercer that is anti-biotic resistant and communicable.. then he said the only thing that will fix it is IV antibiotics and calling in a surgeon to open up the infection to drain.. im like WHAT?!?!? of course by now im crying.. this is when i called Patti to get prayers started.. thanks Patti! So we came over to the hospital, admitted her.. They got an IV started (after me having to LAY on my child kicking and screaming to get it in) .. Got her calmed down in the room again then the surgeon came in and looked at it, said "we need to open it ill be right back" So he comes back in with a couple of nurses, and we dont give her much time to think about it, flips her over, injects some numbing stuff in it, im laying on her again holding her down, and he cuts open about an inch long on her buttcheek and it starts coming out.. he covered it with gauze and now she has to soak in the tub every 3-4 hours and i have to keep the gauze changed and the incision irrigated.. since its an open wound to let it drain.. They came in this morning and it was filling up with infection again so they had to squeeze it again with her screaming to get it out .. So we are waiting for the culture to come back so we will know "WHAT" it is.. they said its pretty common here lately theyve had about 4 kids with it at the same place on them the past month and they think they might be getting it from grocery carts or something like that. .But with us just coming from Disney, there is NO Telling where she could of gotten it. .I even remarked at disney "Wonder how many diseases are walking around this place" .. Guess i shouldnt of spoke so soon.. I dont know how long we have to stay, it might be another 2-3 days which I hope not bc karington is ready to get outta here! Thanks for all the prayers.. and dont use those grocery carts! EW


(deactivated member)
on 5/26/07 4:12 am
bless her heart Jen... if there's anything I can do let me know hon... I can't do much but I can pray and keep that wee one in my prayers.... please keep us posted on how she's doing...  *hugs* Stephie
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/07 4:23 am - PA

Oh my gosh!  Poor baby!  I would have never even imagined you could get something like that from a grocery cart!  Its a wonder ANY of us survived childhood.  The diseases just get worse and worse as time goes on. I hope she is not in too much pain.  I will be thinking about you guys and hopefully they can get her out of there real soon. Let me know if you need anything.  Kathy

Terri H.
on 5/26/07 5:13 am - Moore, SC
Oh My Jen! Please know that I am praying for you and your little Karington right now.  I pray that the doctors will ease her pain, and bring healing and peace to your wonderful family. If you guys need anything at all, please call me! 587-1466.  I am just not too far away from the hospital and could be there in a jiffy. Prayers and good blessings to you and your family. Terri
on 5/26/07 6:04 am - KY

my neice had something like that they called it a staff infection she got it from the gym on the rubber mats where everybody sweats & she had pimples between her legs & the sweat got in thru there it was bad on her also ,saying prayers for your little one  it is so hard on kids to be in the hospt they dnt understand & I think it is harder on the parents because they worry so much praying for you both as parents to get some peace with this & heal this poor little girl

B J 

on 5/26/07 7:01 am - Goose Creek, SC
Oh Jen,    I am so sorry to read this.  Lots of prayers for Karrington, your family and YOU!!!   I know that its probably harder on you seeing her in such pain and with the IV.  And isn't it the worst to have to lay on them for iv's and stuff.  I am so sorry and I hope that you will be home soon ((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))))))))) Mary
on 5/26/07 8:26 am - Mauldin, SC
Jen, Nothing hurts us worse than seeing our children hurt and not being able to take away their pain.    As hard as it is, you know that she is in the best place possible at the moment.  You and your family are in my prayers  Prayer  Please keep us updated.  
 Harley Couple 

Rachel K.
on 5/26/07 10:52 am - moore, SC
Oh gosh....poor karrington and poor Jen.  If you need anything (just someone to sit with you) please give me a call.  I have nothing planned tomorrow or Monday (unless I go to the cookout) Rachel
"This learning to live again...is killing me."
Garth Brooks

on 5/26/07 11:12 am - Mauldin, SC
Rachel: I you have nothing planned, why don't you come to Kathy's.   BBQI haven't seen you in such a long while.  It will be fun.   Fingers Crossed 
 Harley Couple 

Rachel K.
on 5/26/07 5:06 pm - moore, SC
Looks like DH found something he wants to do.  I know, I know I haven't been to support group in a while.  Its just been finishing up with school that is driving me crazy!!!  Now that we are finished I might be able to think straight again.  Rachel
"This learning to live again...is killing me."
Garth Brooks

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