Prayers needed BIG TIME
When I came home on Thursday evening, my subdivision was packed full of cars.. all parked around my neighbors house (their house is directly across the street and to the right of mine)... I thought at first they were having a BBQ or something... as the evening progressed.. word got to me that my neighbor ..who is 26 and married and has two little girls..(one is 4 and the other is 18 months).. hanged herself that afternoon.. her husband found her. The girls were fine..but this entire family and community are in SHOCK.
Please pray for this family.. for this father who is now left to not only explain all this to those precious little girls but now must raise them without their mother... As I told my oldest son last night while we were sitting on the pourch.. there is NOTHING .. and I mean NOTHING in this world that is worth killing yourself for. EVERYTHING can be fixed.. people can forgive.. problems can be resolved.. NOTHING is so bad that you have to end your life...
I rock..!!!