((((((( Kathy ))))))) My sweet Friend,
I am SO glad we met last March! Sometimes you'll say something, and I'll think to myself, "She's just like me!" You make me feel like I'm not alone in this crazy head of mine.
I hope we know each other until we're old and gray. (Which is sooner for me, than for you ... but oh well. You can push me in my wheelchair when we go to the mall.) I'm crazy about you!
But tell me this ... you aren't sick, are you? Why were you home today?
Worrying Nana Wants To Know ...
Love you!
I keep trying to post...but you are sooooo hot, the keys keep burning my fingers!!!!!!!
You have done so well, and been such an inspirition for me and so many others. I am so proud of you.
My only regret is that we don't live closer
You are such a wonderful supportive caring loving unselfish hot nana. Everytime I get frustrated about the scales not moving, you help inspire me to hold on for one more day.
Strut your stuff. You are beautiful.