Post surgery issues
I had my surgery on Tuesday, was released on friday and readmitted friday night due to high fever and unusual stool (very runny and almost maroon in color). while in the hospital my fever remained low grade and I never produced a stool for them to witness. It is now Monday I have run a fever every day anywhere from 99 to 100 degerees and I've had 2 more of those stools, I plan to call Dr Bour again in the am, but did any of you experience the and when did it stop or better yet what was the problem?
Please help!
Hey Tanah!
I hope you are feeling better. I just wanted to let you know that the maroon color and very runny stool could be from the liquid protein. Remember, you are not eating only drinking so everything that comes out is going to be liquidy. If the liquid you are drinking is colored it may change the color of your poop. Remember, we now have malabsorption issues so things are not absorbed as before. As far as the temp...the docs don't usually get nervous until it is over 100 most of the time over 101. Your body just has surgery and sometimes we run a little higher than normal while your body is recovering. I would still call Dr. Bour in the morning and see what he says. I hope it is nothing.
The best advice I can give to new postops........NEVER trust a fart!!!!!!
Hi, I am allegeric to red dye and that is what my poop looks like when I get too much of that. I realized this when I quit drinking sodas and started drinking Crystal light. Any of the reds made me like that but the lemonade doesn't do that. I drank a protein drink that was red post op and it happened again. You can Email Katie at [email protected] that way she can call you first thing in the morning. Best of luck, Tammy P.
Tammy P.
Hi Tanah
I did not have the poop problem but did run a low grade fever, 99-100 degrees for about 2-3 days after I got home. We were not to call unless it got over a certain level, and mine never did. Do not know what it was from.
I hope that helps.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!