One of my most embarassing moments!!
too funny!!!
only thing i can think of was when i was in high school the "cool" thing to do was "Steal" broken road signs and hang them up on your walls etc.. Well I had a nice collection, and one night about 50 of us from my hs were at the bowling alley, leaving.. And there was a broken handicapped sign on the ground.. so we take off running to go get it.. (and its raining) .. well my timberland boots decided to slide with the rain and i ended up breaking my ankle in many places, dislocating the tibia, fractured fibula, tore all my ligaments and muscles to my foot.. only thing that was holding my foot on was skin! it was GRODDY. and painful... next morning i was in surgery getting plates , pins, screws placed in my ankle.. I lived in a wheelchair for 3 mths.. So i got my handicapped sign, only it was hanging from the rear view mirror, not on my wall!!! Karma's a bixch!