ok, yes, now its my turn to be a silly school girl ..... lol
I am not sure who is at home during the day (i am not, but my DVR IS SET UP) lol..
Antonio is on in 10 min on ELLEN!
dont get me wrong, I do think Rick is swoon material..... lol and I love the guys in the hair bands.....lol but Antonio is my man! (he is even loved by certain men "ahem" on this board..... ) lol
so, maybe Ellen comes on later in SC, but just wanted to mention Antonio... I just looooove him.
yes I do.... he makes me smile, (and he has never broken my heart!!) lol
and I do not like melanie. (his wife...but c'mon are they really married? lol)
35 days till I am there!!!!!! oh I am so excited to see SC!!!!! I am mental these days about things but the thoughts of coming there are keeping me going.