im back!
i missed yall.. disney was great as always. The kids had a blast which made it even better. our family of 11 (brother , his family and my mom and dad as well) all got along great for 8 days! So that was good
you would expect with 5 kids under 8 there would be problems but it was awesome. i think kassidy(the almost 2 yr old)'s favorite part was the water slide at coronodo springs (resort) it was a HUGE long winding slide and she rode with me down it of course.. she giggled the whole way and fell in love with it. it was precious. Karington my 4 yr old loved meeting her princesses of course! She rode all the BIG rides she couldnt ride 2 yrs ago so it was fun! On the way back we stopped in charleston and ate at the Charleston Crab House that was "Flipped" by AE's TV Show "flip that house" by trademark properties down in chas.. it was awesome.. the sign on the building is flipped upside down since it was "flipped" haha thought it was cute.. I thought about all yall at LCBB! I was in yalls neck of the woods! My parents are somewhere between orlando and key west now.. theyre extending the vacation for their own vacation touring around florida and back up the coast.. id like to go to key west but i sure am glad to be home! im sooo tired i feel like i need a vacation from my vacation!
we did 4 parks in 4 days then the tow show for 3 days (which mainly consisted of me and the kids swimming those days) i hope yall had a great mothers day and great week! I see Joel came out of surgery well! hope hes doing good.. and Patti and Susanne got home! Welcome back girls! I will try to get down to gville tomorrow night for the meeting.. but i have alot to do around here so we will see! While i was gone my secretaries mother in law passed away so it was a rough week for work and her.. so i gotta make up double duty.. hugs!!