Hygene question?
I am 3 months out and I have noticed that my deodorant doesn't seem to last all day anymore.
I am not sweating...not if I can help it anyways
But by 5 or 6 in the evening, I get a little drift of something from under my arms.
I didn't know if that was something that happens, if my body chemiclas are still changing and causing this, or if I just need to change deodorants.
Hey, I have been lurking here a while and have seen this post before. Some people said they have to change deodorants. My daughter has the sweaty pit thing and nothing helps her. She just has big sweat stains and hates it. I am only 3 weeks out and have noticed that I had an underarm odor today also. I use soft and dry and have for over 20 yrs. God bless Tammy P.
Hi Deb,
your body is in "Ketosis" which is a term used when fat is burning and breaking down. It can be detected in your body odor and on our breath and so forth. There is not a lot that can be done. Some people try Devrom which is advertised on here to the left. Some have gone to the health stores and just bought Chlorophly tablets, and those will help also. Different herbs will help cut back. I would check with a health store rep and see what will help with body odor "KETOSIS" and see what they say, or search online and see what you might find. This will happen until you get to goal.
call me when you get a chance.