Paris Hilton AGAIN!!
She could do the Martha Stewart thing and learn to cook with jail house apples. God forbid she actually had to clean tolets (I bet she has NEVER done that before) I think they should make her do the dirty jobs and video tape it and put it on TV.
I saw something on TV this morning where this judge out of Ohio is taking non-violent law breakers and being very creative. One lady that had stolen from Wal-Mart, had to wear this huge sign on the front and back of her that said "I am a shoplifter. I stole from Wal-Mart". Two guys had to dress up as women in dresses, heals, make-up and wigs, and hang out somewhere in the public because they had attacked a women. He had all sorts of creative idea's. Too bad he didn't get to sentence Paris Hilton.
What is the most upsetting is the THOUSAND of young girls and boys are looking up to these people and try to imitate them. So they go out, get drunk, use drugs, and starve themselves (mainly the girls on that one - because they have to be pencil thin - thus causing them to have some form of an eating disorder) Then are shocked when they get in trouble. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and others like them are being a terrible influence! Paris needs to go to jail, she broke the law, off she goes!
And what about these people saying she brings beauty and excitement to their mundane lives... I say to them... GET A LIFE!
My 2 cents...