Am I over reacting???
I'd like some other points of view on this one
About a month ago my wife was out of town on a business trip. I had to work late so my mother in law (MIL) picked up the kids and brought them to our house. She fed them, I got home and I put them to bed. She decided to sleep over for the night-which she does occassionally. No problems yet
About 9pm she comes into my bedroom and starts asking me about something. I am laying on my stomach, facing the TV on my side of the bed. She gets interested in the TV show I'm watching and before I know it-she's SITTING/reclining on my wifes side of the bed with me......EWWWWWWWWWWWWW......We have a TV downstairs too-why didn't she go watch it there
What the heck!!!! My wife says I'm over reacting-I say I might need therapy. Thats my wife and I's bed. Thats where I have done unspeakable acts with HER daughter and now she is laying on it with ME!!
Its wrong!! This is the place where the "magic" happens (OK-before you think I have an ego about my qualities and skills-I call it the magic place because every year we are married -its 13 yrs now-"things" seems to be "poof" abra-cadabra disappearing more and more like "magic")
Am I wrong for this reaction? I say its totally gross.......yuckee-poohy gross
Comments? Be honest-as I know you will, but remember my fragile male ego too!!