busy week!
Good grief! Are you sure you remembered to put your underwear on this morning?!?!?
If my schedule looked like that, I am sure I would forget something....underwear...forget to put eye makeup on one eye....walk out the door with different colored flip flops!!!!
I will be thinking about Karington tomorrow. I hope all goes well. I know how it is when one of your babies needs something medically. I had to take my Katie to a pediatric lung specialist on Friday and Samantha is having her tonsils out June 5th!! I would much rather have to go through all that myself instead of my baby girls!!!
Thank God, he made kids strong. Sometimes I think they are stronger then we are!!!
Stop and take a breathe!!!!
Love ya!
Damn Jen... I feel like such a slacker compared to you!! Let's see.. Here's my schedule for the remaining week...
Wednesday: Get up.. go to work.. sit on my butt all day in my office.. play on the internet.. eat lunch while watching Y & R .. go home... sit on my butt until bedtime.
Thursday: see Wednesday's description
Friday: see Thrursday's description
Saturday: Sleep in as long as the cats will let me... feed the cats.. drink coffee and play scrabble online for about an hour. Clean a little.. garden a little... chill for the rest of the day...
Sunday: Sleep in as long as the cats will let me... get up .. feed them.. then crawl back into bed and snuggle with John ...
It's a tought life... but someone's got to live it!!!
OMG Jen. That sounds crazy!!! But we manage, right? I always have a busy week but it is nothing compared to yours. I'll quit whining about being tired now that I saw your post.
But just think - in less than a week you will be away from it all and enjoying the looks on your kids faces at Disney World!!! I love that part more than the park itself. There is nothing like the look of a child being happy and nothing like the sound of a child laughing.
Have a great time!
I go tomorrow for my 6 month. Not gonna do as well as I had hoped for 6 months, but I'm down 65 pounds by my scales, so I'm not complaining. I think the lab work is done on the 1st floor, just ask at the reception desk. I had actually went to my family doctor for my thyroid test a couple of weeks back and he said he needed to do blood work and I told him i was having some done the next week for my fat doctor and he said that he would combine Dr. R's along with his and get me a copy of the report to give Dr. R, so that is what I did. Just so happened that I had Dr. R's lab orders with me so he copied it onto the ones he wanted to do. I think after tomorrow I'm good for 6 more months. Did he ever say if he goes back and does any kind of tests as a routine just to look at our pouch? Like another leak test or anything? Would be nice to know that everything is still where it should be.