Has anyone had Dr. Dalton *****ett for their gastric bypass surgery
LOL I know; but know I am stressing because I called to make my initial appointment with my Dr. and they said I have to attend the seminar before they will even make the first appointment.(that is not until May 8th) We are leaving middle of July (my husband just got orders) I am so scared about the time !!! There is no other place I would like to have my surgery!!!!!
Now I am still stressing !!!!!!!!!
We have orders for Fort Rucker , Alabama. (it's just above the Forida panhandle ....about an hour and a half from Panama City , Florida.) You are so right!!! I have just got to calm down and take it all with a grain of salt. I am just so anxious and wanting to have it done already. I guess most everyone feels that way. After spending so much time thinking about if the surgery is right for you...you just want to get everything really rolling along. You are right. I just got to hang in there and do whatever is necessary. I want this too much to let anything stand in my way!!!
Thanks again so much for everything you did for me. You really have helped sooo much at explaining things out so that I could better understand. I am sure I will be aggrivating you shortly. Everyone here has been so GREAT!!!!!!!!!
You are all angels that I am glad to be in the midst of
Jaye Jaye
Hey there!
I had Dr. *****ett and they were awesome!! I was half way through the 3 months that my insurance wanted me to do and my husband lost his job after 15 years. The Dr's office did everything they could to make sure I could get the surgery done before we had no insurance! They made my appointments sooner than they were supposed to be and Holland worked with my insurance company and it was approved in 2 days. I had my surgery within 2 weeks! It was awesome! They were so great! I know they will do everything in their power to make sure you get this done!! Good luck and keep me posted!