Want to clear some more things up
Dang girl, you can help pay for all your bad vices very easy, just join me on the corner of Augusta St. and Dunbar at 2 AM on Saturday mornings and I will show you how, lol. You can't have my corner though, you will have to find your own, sorry! Oh and ***** is such a strong word, I prefer "lady of the evening".
Hey we pimp each other out, he has a corner further down Dunbar, lol. And you thought we had regular jobs, lmao. I'm all for helping out my fellow UPS friends, and if you need help I will always be here for you. Just hope you don't mind moving to a corner off Augusta instead of Dunbar, it's starting to get a little crowded on that street.
Hey Jen, I have to boot her off my corner some nights, she trys to make more money than me. The hospital thing is just a cover up, do you honestly think we would wipe butts for peanuts instead of being "ladies of the evening"? Get real kid, we are saving for our retirement, wiping butts doesn't put much toward our IRA's, lol. And to think that we both had you fooled just cracks me up!