What the hell is wrong with this system?
I think you all said it so I don't have to say a thing. When I left the father of my children after years of abuse. I had no college degree and had never worked because he didn't want me to. we had 4 children. He said I needed to stay home. So I did and thank God I could. Some parents can not afford the luxury of staying home with their little ones. Well when I finally had enough and left with my 4 children I got a job at a daycare making minimun wage. And get this. Everyone got paid once a month at the end of the month. It was just enough to pay my rent. I was fortounate enough to get 600 a month child support. But was refused food stamps. Then to top it all off. My ex went in front of the family court judge and said that it was near christmas and money was tight for him. He brought no proof. And the judge lowered his support to 500 a month..Poor him....He was living in his own very nice apartment. He was driving his truck and had a 15,000 dollar Harley he had just gotten. So I know how it is. And when you try and get assistance they make you wait hours upon hours and then they want to know everything about you. The only thing they don't ask for is your underwear size. Then after they get you to run around getting this information it is never enough. Finally you get everything and then they say "Sorry we can't help you". I was so bad off I applied for section 8 housing. Thats was in 1998. I finally got a letter in 2005 saying my name had come up to the top of the list to please call. I called and told them my kids are already grown and I am remarried and don't need any help from anybody. Before I met and married Scott I had to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet. If I called my ex for any extra help like school clothes he always commented he paid child support. Isn't this country something? We are the wealthest and have starving children. It is a shame. Well thats all I have to say about that..Love jennifer
our system is set up to encourage sitting on your ass and doing nothing to help yourself. i had an employee once who was a single mom with a VERY sick child *****quired numerous visits to the hospital for treatment. she was told pretty much the same thing to get state assistance. she had insurance with our company but it cost her a fortune and the plan didn't cover as much as the state plan. she works hard everyday making about 24k a year and can't get help. it just kills me. i HATE our welfare system. it just doesn't help those *****ally need it. and the daycare thing kills me. even in a crappy center you pay 100 a week!!! it sucks.......