My brother called me about 10:00 am and said his wife has dilated 4 cm and they are putting her in the hospital so by tonight they should a another little girl (emma). I am so happy! I have to work my second job tonight so I cant go. They live in guyton ga and she is at memorial in savannah. I wont be able to go until tomorrow night or this weekend. I emailed morgan (baker email address) and I have an appointment for 11:30 Thursday and to get blood work for my past due (year check up and to see why I dont feel good (probarley low iron). I will keep everyone posted about the baby and please pray everything goes well (she is and her sister are invetro babies) their mom doesent have fallopian tubes due to past endometriosis (sp). To me they are miricle babies. Her sister was 9.3 lbs and they said she is going to be bigger. So I am worried about that to.