Last Friday she had breast biopsy and I stayed with her until Monday. No bruising, no bleeding (she has artificial heart valve and on coumadin). I noticed her breast was warm, but we didn't think a lot about it. I did not think about antibiotics for this procedure. She asked them about the antibiotics, they told her she only needed them for dental work. She told them she always has antibiotics if she has any procedure. I was not back in the room with them at the time. They reassured her and did not call her doctor.
Now she has an infection. She has been on antibiotics since Wednesday, now has diarrhea so bad she couldn't trust riding in the car for her appt yesterday it was so awful. She says her breast is swollen, red and hot and she will have to go to the er today. She said in the past she has been admitted for iv antibiotics when she had an infection.
Please pray for her. Her name is evelyn. She is really, really mad because they would not listen to her, and she is planning on "letting them all hear about it."