on 12/28/06 10:30 am - Spartanburg/Boiling Springs Area, SC
Hi there my Dear Friends, I have 2 prayer request below that I hope you will pray on for me. I trust all of you had a very blessed Christmas. The month of December was a wonderful month full of fun, parties and warm fellowship with the ones we love. I know each of you all spent time reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas also. The birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Me, Dean, Jessie & Adam went to the movies the week before Christmas to see "The Nativity" It was a very well done movie on the birth of Jesus. PRAYER REQUEST 1 ~ It's been a great month ....... until Christmas evening ... when Gayle (she no longer deserves to be called mother) had to attack me once again, not physically but mentally, and she's very, very good at it. This woman literally hates me! I have cried so much since Christmas night and have been in such a state of depression, I actually think I came close to a nervous break down Christmas night. I'm still thinking about calling my family Doctor in the morning, I'm crying at the drop of a hat! So please, please pray for me. I have been physically AND mentally abused by her my entire life, but nothing like these past 2 years. I'm no longer in her life, so why can't she just leave me alone? Why must she keep turning the knife in my heart? I have begged God many times over the past couple of days to show me the reason I have to be going through this right now. I know there's a reason, but it's not for me to know right now I guess. PRAYER REQUEST 2 ~ With our son Adam working at Extended Stay Hotels America, He earns points to stay free at any Extended Stay Hotel in the USA, but has to use them before the end of the year. SO ... He and 2 friends are headed to Atlanta Georgia tomorrow afternoon, Friday, December 29th, They will return home on Monday. They plan to go downtown to the Largest party In the Southeast at Underground Atlanta's Peach Drop. PLEASE pray for his safety traveling there tomorrow, He will leave around 6pm, pray for his safety while there ~ (New Year's Eve, Atlanta, Party, Underground, Lot's of people and drinking add up to some MAJOR PRAYING FOR SAFETY) and pray for his safety driving back home on Monday. Also pay that he has a safe fun time. Me, Dean & Jessie will be at the New Year's Eve Communion Service at church Sunday evening. On the whole, The Spencer family has been very blessed in 2006, from my surgery (weight loss thus far: 133 pounds since the day of surgery), Dean quitting smoking, to Jessica's job at the church to Adam finally leaving Brandy and coming back home. GOD IS GOOD! Love, Debra
Eddie W.
on 12/28/06 1:18 pm - Summerville, SC
Prayers on the way up.
on 12/28/06 1:32 pm - Spartanburg/Boiling Springs Area, SC
Thank you Eddie. It means a lot to know I have prayer warriors praying for me. God bless, Debra
on 12/28/06 3:11 pm - Charleston, SC
Girl, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm glad you have a strong support network around you, however unfortunetly we do have to deal with negative influences in our lives. Perhaps you need to take a break from yours (I know it's hard when it your mother) but you deserve to be strong , happy and healthy in every way take care Lesley
Dianne S.
on 12/28/06 6:30 pm - Boiling Springs, SC
Debra, I was just thinking about you this morning, and keeping you close in prayer. We need to try to get our group back on a schedule to meet on Thursday nights.....this always seems to help you (us) make it through ANYTHING!! Love ya, girl!! Dianne
Joan M.
on 12/28/06 9:49 pm - Lexington County, SC
Debra..I will pray now....Father God only you can heal a broken and hurt heart...I pray for Debra now and ask for your healing salve to cover her and heal her. I also pray for Gayle and pray for you to open her heart and make her heart of stone a heart of flesh, pliable and moldable in your gracious hands. Lord you are in the restoration business and if you can change Saul a persecutor of Christians into a lover of God You can do that for Gayle. Please restore the years the locusts have eaten in this family's life and have your way with Gayle even now as we pray. I also lift up adam to you and pray you have your way with him also. I pray for safety and wisdom for this trip and if it isn't what you want that you would close the doors. Help him make choices that are pleasing to You Lord and that would bring glory to Your name.....In Jesus' name...Amen (which means "so be it") In His love, Joan M
on 12/29/06 12:01 pm - Johns Island, SC
Debra, you need only say it in your heart & God has heard. I put your requests in my heart, too. I'm so sorry that you have been abused for so long, but you obviously have your head on straight, so please don't let it get to you & give it all to Him. Anyone that inflicts pain on another is a poor, suffering soul who needs help. As for your son going out of town - I definitely put him in my heart! I have two grown daughters & three grandsons in Texas (I live on Johns Island, SC), not a day goes by that I don't think about them & pray for them. Consider yourself hugged, my dear... Hellen
Deborah S.
on 12/29/06 12:24 pm - Charleston in Cali-freakin-fornia!! , CA
debra, I will be praying. One thought I will leave with you though, (we are estranged from my husband's mother...she told me that she did not want me to bring God to her home, and that she did not want God in her home, and I was not welcome). You see, these people are bound by the enemy, and the enemy is attacking you any way he can and he is really winning this battle. You need to stand up to your mother in law I am guessing this is, and just say to her "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!!!" It seems that she is attacking you because of the light in you. I am in the same situation, but my husband finally saw this when she told us not to come there anymore. He disowned her because after MANY years of witnessing and praying for this woman, and this is a whole other story....she is really bound by satan, and my mother in law (step mother) who prays for her and has for more years than I have known my hubby's real mom (can you follow this?) said she saw the prince of darkness of her, his real mom, and that unless she comes to Christ, there is no hope for her. We pray for her, but we have let her go, and we have no contact with her because of all the hurt she has caused many, many people and its over periods of years.....too much to go into.....but trust me when I say its best to have no contact with her. Maybe you need not to pray for you as much, as to pray for her and then God will strengthen you. Stay away from her and of course your husband needs to come over this and join with you (I had to remind my husband many times of the scripture that says he shall LEAVE his mother and father and become one flesh with his wife). He finally obeyed God in that, and our house came in order, and we were at peace in our house. We also burned a crossstitch item she gave us, and I got rid of some items she had given to me, and I cleansed my house with oil and we prayed over our house, our marriage, our children and ended by praying that someone would intervene and bring her to salvation, because we know that won't be through us. Once we did that, I had immediate peace and so did my husband and our household. I will pray that you ask God for guidance, and that you walk in His plan. Let go of this woman who is being used by the evil one, and cleanse your home, and get your husband to pray over you and cover you with prayer, that is a powerful thing when a husband and wife unite and pray together, satan hates that. God Bless Deb
Deborah S.
on 12/29/06 12:28 pm - Charleston in Cali-freakin-fornia!! , CA
So is this your mother, not your mother in law? If this is your mother, the same thing stands. You will need to tell her that she is not welcome to your home until she can change the way she treats you and that you love her, but you need to set up boundries for your own good, and that she is not good for you in your life at this time. God said we would be torn away from mothers, fathers, and family, etc...for His sake. You stand strong, you are a woman of God, and our family will hurt us more than anyone else. Just remember, nothing can hurt you unless you allow it. My mother is not saved, and she can hurt me first and before anyone else. Go get this book: I read it during Discipleship for problems with my mom, my pastors told me to read this book when I was going through things with her. Captivating by Stasi Eldridge, and Jon Eldridge, he wrote Wild at Heart for men. It is a great book, and I think very healing for you and I need to read it again LOVE YOU!! Deb
angelkissed :o)
on 12/31/06 12:57 am - Seneca, SC
Debra, I'm SO sorry to hear you are going through such hurt!! (((HUGS))) Lots of prayers for your heart and emotional well being, as well as safety for your son. Praying you will be greatly blessed in the New Year!! Love, Elizabeth
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