Praise report!!
Hello to my dear friends here who prayed for my daughter Katie and her tummy virus abd our COlorado trip We arrived home last, late. But the Lord was soooo faithful to us. We had a great trip with no incidences on the plane either way. She was still shakey for the trip and the 2 days after arrival but then she was able to have a great and blessed time with our family and friends. She is feeling great now and was so grateful for the prayers.
We want more than ever to be relocated to COlorado. So we will put our house on the market and if His will then we will move to CO and see what the Lord wants to do with us there.
Love you all and may the Lord's love and grace abound to each one of you as you seek Him and His will for your lives.
Love in Him Who came in flesh that we might live for all eternity. To Him be the glory forever and ever...Amen
Joan M