From: Laura Nance
Date: 12/18/06 10:05:46
To: Laura Nance
Subject: POSTOP program free for surgery patients
The MUSC Bariatric Surgery Program would like to invite you to participate in a great aftercare program following your weight loss surgery.
"POSTOP" (Post Obesity Surgery Training to Optimize Progress) addresses behavioral and lifestyle factors that may have contributed to your weight gain over the years and that could compromise successful weight loss after surgery.
This program is FREE to MUSC bariatric surgery patients. See the attached flyer for more information.
Have a wonderful holiday!!!
Laura Marie Nance MA, RD, CDE
Clinical Dietitian
Bariatric Surgery Program
T. Karl Byrne, MD
Professor of Surgery
Medical Director
Katherine Morgan, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Megan Baker Ruppel, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Amanda R. Budak, RN, MSN
Program Manager
Lisa A. Jackson
Patient Navigator
Debbie Petitpain, MS, RD
Clinical Dietitian
Patrick O'Neil, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Brenda Toohey, RN, FNP
Nurse Practitioner
Dear MUSC Bariatric Surgery Program Participant,
The MUSC Bariatric Surgery Program would like to invite you to
participate in a great aftercare program following your weight loss surgery.
"POSTOP" (Post Obesity Surgery Training to Optimize Progress)
addresses behavioral and lifestyle factors that may have contributed to your
weight gain over the years and that could compromise successful weight
loss after surgery. POSTOP was designed and structured by clinical
psychologists Dr. Patrick O'Neil and Dr. Josh Brown from the MUSC
Weight Management Center. POSTOP aims to:
1. Help you follow post-surgery recommendations.
2. Increase your ability to identify and cope with stress.
3. Increase your ability to cope with emotional changes and changes in
your relationships with others (e.g., spouses, family, friends, etc.).
4. Identify and develop means of rewarding yourself, in ways other
than eating.
5. Address changes in the way you see, think, and feel about your body
as you lose weight.
6. Improve your knowledge of appropriate methods of exercise and
ways to increase physical activity.
POSTOP is offered to you free of charge and allows you to attend as many
sessions as you would like for an entire year after your surgery. Six
different topics relevant to bariatric post-surgical patients will be offered
through informative and interactive group sessions. Please see the enclosed
schedule for the specific topics and session dates.
We want you to reach your weight loss goals. To do so, you must follow all
medical, nutritional, and exercise recommendations after surgery. It is also
important that you learn more about the individual behavioral and lifestyle
factors that influence your weight. Therefore, we encourage you to fully
participate in POSTOP. We look forward to meeting with each and every
one of you.
January - June 2007
January 2007 - How to Better Manage Your Stress
Wednesday January 24 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday January 25 5:30 - 7:00
February 2007 - Relationships that Change and Those That Should
Wednesday February 21 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday February 22 5:30 - 7:00
March 2007 - Becoming More Active
Wednesday March 28 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday March 29 5:30 - 7:00
April 2007 - Motivating Yourself for Long-Term Change
Wednesday April 25 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday April 26 5:30 - 7:00
May 2007 - The Body They See, The Body You See, The Body You Feel
Wednesday May 30 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday May 31 5:30 - 7:00
June 2007 - Feelings, Better and Worse
Wednesday June 27 12:00 - 1:30
Thursday June 28 5:30 - 7:00