I'm Back !!
Hey all, I'm back at work for 1/2 days this week. Feeling fine. Surgery went well. Haven't had any pain or sickness. My energy level is not up to par, but as long as i'm on liquids I don't expect it to be. I want to thank you all for your prayers, phone calls and happy thoughts you sent my way. Another week on full liquids, I'm so bored with it. Any ideas would sure be appreciated.
I'm doing great Miss Anita... My surgery is scheduled for 11/27 ... The only test he required me to have was the psych test... I completed that over a week ago.. now I'm just waiting on Dr Greene to send the approval letter to Dr R's. office... Not sure when the next upstate meeting is... Marcey held the last one at her house... might wanna check with Kathy... I think she was trying to get everyone together...So all in all.. how was the experience with Dr R and his staff ?
They are all just as great as I had expected them to be. I could not have been more pleased with a doctor than I was with Dr. R. My hubby really liked him too. I had a little problem with getting the anasthesia out of my system, could not keep my eyes open for the first day. My blood pressure started to drop that first night after surgery, he came by and checked me, and called several times checking in with the nurse, ordering blood tests,etc. He was back in first thing the next morning, decided to keep me in ICU another 24 hours just to keep a closer check on me. My return visit after being released I met with Mary Lee because Dr. R was in surgery. The hospital staff was very good too. The worse part of the whole ordeal for me was those inflatable leggings they put on you to prevent blood clots. Have to disconnect them everytime you go to the bathroom, and they are very hot, my leggs sweated bad. Also I had trouble with them finding veins, took 6 tries to get an IV started before surgery. My arms look like I have been beat up. I hope and pray that yours goes as smooth as mine has. This liquid diet is bad. Not that I'm hungry, but just getting so bored with it. About the only thing I've found that has much taste to it is cream of potato soup. I don't want to see another cup of jello as long as i live.