Will not be at LCBB tonight, but.......did buy the SF carmel
I will not be at tonights meeting (taking my kids to the fair) but wanted to say that I did go buy the SF carmel (and apples) after last weeks meeting and the whole jar is gone already. Someone is in BIG trouble. LOL. I bought a new one today. My kids helped me and didn't even know it was sugar free. This is my new "sweet treat". I am addicted. Thanks Rose and whoever told you about it.
MMM sugar free caramel.. Rose got us all hooked!! youcan get it at walmart where you get the ice cream toppings. Smucker's brand. It's soooo yummy! They had SF Hot Fudge as well though with my no liking the taste of chocolate anymore I didn't bother picking it up though it sounded yummy.
I really do hope you get to feeling better. I know how much it sux being depressed I have been having serious iisues myself lately.. I know it's just pregnancy related but still no fun what so ever.
Where did you get Sugar Free caramel from????
Dying to know so I can get some as well! How have you been?
I have been good. I go in soon for my 1 year check up and I hope Dr.Bryne is pleased. I am down to 163.0 from 305. So, it is all good. I went to the fair this week and I am taking the kiddies back today. I could not believe I fit in the rides! I rode everything they had out there and had a complete BLAST! Hope all is well for you! Talk to you soon and I look forward to finding out about the caramel.