Upstate "girls" And GUYS .. lol
Last night was soooooooo nice! Just what I needed.
Thanks, dear Kathy ... your home is lovely, and your hospitality is as warm as your heart is.
It was wonderful seeing everyone looking so incredibly beautiful ...
Rachel is shrinking already, Pam is too ... I'm so happy both of you have had a good recovery, and are now on your way! Seeing Sherry and Melony both looking tiny and HAPPY was a good thing! Patti, you are more beautiful every time I see you! (And now you drive a Mustang!!) Melissa, you are simpy glowing ... and looking gorgeous! Congrats on that new home of yours! Kathy, you are, and always will be, my inspiration ... beautiful, inside and out. (And nice to know a fellow Zappos addict!
) Mary, I am so hopeful and happy for your upcoming surgery ... a week from TODAY! Darquise, you're my tiniest friend, and you look prettier every time I see you. Getting rid of kidney stones agrees with you! Marcey, I love spending time with you ... you always make me laugh. You are another inspiration of mine! Jennifer, if you lose more weight than me next month, there's gonna be trouble, baby!
Seriously, you look FANTASTIC!!! And meeting our new ones was the best. Stephanie, Kathleen, and Anita ... we hope you'll decide to join us every time we get together. It was great to meet you! Sonny and Jimmy, you're both AWESOME in my eyes. Your wives are blessed.
Thanks, all of you, for sharing your night last night. I loved it!

OK girls, I think last night was the best meeting yet. It's nice to get out of the public eye and let it all hang out, lol. We had a good time last night and enjoyed all the newbe's that came. I know how they feel, I was there just three months ago, and now I am getting closer to hopefully one day being an inspiration to someone else just starting out just like you all have been to me. Kathy, your home is beautiful, and we really appreciate you having all of us there. It's fun doing something a little different and out of the normal routine of the meetings. Sonny says it's great being able to come and share in the excitement with us all and see how everyone is progressing in their weight loss. Until next Monday, everyone take care and please say a prayer for me on Tuesday.
Mary & Sonny

I am so glad for you that your surgery is Tuesday! I know you are so excited to get on with it. I can't wait to be able to do the same. I also am so glad you have a very supportive husband like I do, that is so great! I don't know if I will see you Monday night or not, but in case I don't; I wanted you to know that I will definitely be praying for your Tuesday surgery! God will see you through.
Wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery,
Kathleen and Jimmy Bacon