Very BAD news
I wish they had an x-ray a year out so we could see our pouches ... When I had the swallow test after surgery, it was just like a little hiccup ... A tiny bubble ... Like nothing at all.
Now, that is interesting ... I didn't know that the lost fat left spaces ... I thought everything just resettled & kinda smoosched together to take up the space left by the loss of the fat. Guess you could get crinks in your intestines if it slipped into one of those spaces.
We agree with you in prayer, Ms Deb ... Noooo further problems ... This is going to take care of your medical problems & you will live a full life with no more pain! You didn't come this far to be bothered with more problems!
We will not borrow problems from the future!
God bless you girl ... Dawn & Nick
Thanks so much everyone!
The 15th of November unless I become in so much pain they have to do it emergent. Just to let you know, but not to scare anyone....if you have continued abd. cramping or pain that will not go away, distension or gas that bubbles up in your belly (remember when you were pregnant and it felt like the baby moving), or you are constipated for more than 3 days...go to the doctor!! And ask for an Oral Contrast CT Scan. Dr. Byrne is the one who emailed me and told me to ask my doc here for it, and that is what is "saving my life".
Small bowel obstruction happens when we lose lots of weight, and the fat is lost in our bellies and it creates a space, where fat used to be, and our intestines can slip up or down and get kinked and hence, an internal hernia. Also, adhesions are more common after a year as well. So, please just beware of these "common" complications after 1 year. I have heard of many people having this even 4 years post op. Its not Dr. Byrne's fault, just the fact of one of the possible complications of this surgery.
I read it happens about 5% of the time....not bad odds, just something we need to be aware of because you can die from this if not caught in time.
Mine was caught early...we hope, and so the 15th of November is my surgery date.
Dr. Byrne has been awesome emailing me and even gave his info for my doc here to call or email him.
Nice guy!!!!
Love you all, and thanks again for the support, glad this is getting taken care of!

I am so sorry you are going through this.. I just heard from the DH of a patient that is about 2.5 years out that she and her sister in law are both undergoing testing for elevated liver enzymes. Yuck.
I'm so sorry you may be looking at additional surgeries. What a bummer.
Take care, and try not to worry too much. What will be will be.