Hey Losers!
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 3:18 am - PA
on 10/17/06 3:18 am - PA
I sit in a hole too! I can't even tell what the weather is like unless I walk into the conference room, lift the projector screen and look out the window.
I'd like some hot chocolate, a blanket, my little girl cuddled up with me and a Disney movie.
But of course, that would probably involve drugging my daughter since she is incapable fo sitting still or quietly for any length of time. Plus she'd probably drink all my hot chocolate...
I can dream though!
Hey Kathy!
I'm "cleaning my house".
Not really. But I did put the vacuum cleaner in the middle of my bedroom floor, so that it'll look like it when the carpet people come over this afternoon to measure and give me an estimate. Shhhh!
This weather is so gloomy, but I always enjoy a rainy day if I am warm inside my house. I love this time of year!
Miss ya lots,

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 3:20 am - PA
on 10/17/06 3:20 am - PA
I don't mind rain if I don't have to be out in it.
I like the vacuum cleaner trick. Will it work on you guys when you come to my house for the next meeting?

Ya'll at home are so lucky! I've given seems like 100 flu shots today, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off from 8a to 1p. I was looking forward to getting to my real job so I could sit on my butt a few hours and just answer those 3 or 4 phone calls I usually get from 2p-5p...WRONG!! Everybody is either sick, had family emergencies, or just plain didn't want to come in. I think I'm going to get me a pair of tennis shoes with those roller wheels in the bottoms...and probably end up breaking my neck!! I hope it goes better tomorrow..it's my birthday!!
Discovered a cure for headaches...rub ben-gay or the dollar general store brand ben-gay (that's what i used) on the back of your neck and forehead...it cures it!!