Hi All, I'm a SC public school teacher in need of Lap Band. I'm having a real hard time finding out if any of my insurance options cover this for the upcoming year. (2007) MUSC Options covered it this year, but alas...I'm a year too late since they don't next year! I've called all the numbers in our book thing, but I'm not getting very far. Our open enrollment is over the end of October, so I won't be able to change insurance after that. I have BCBS now and I'm pretty sure they don't cover obesity surgery. HELP!!!
Do any state surgeons have loan programs set up...kind of like buying a car?
I think MUSC Options will cover RNY surgery....but not sure about Lap Band. Call Amanda Budack, Dr. Byrne's program director and ask her. Her email address is [email protected]
Good Luck with that!!!! I hate insurance companies!!!!!!!!!

Hey Jackie!
I also am a public school teacher and lets just say they suck when it comes to insurance!! I am covered by my husband and that is why I was able to get the surgery! I am sure that most surgeon's and hospital would arrange payment options with you. Think about how many people go to the hospital with no insurance! They have to pay somehow. I wish you the best. Check with the surgeons about payment plans. Good Luck to you!