More Skibbie pics... :-O
Hey Jen,
Well I just checked out your profile and pics and all I can say is WOW!!
YOU look GREAT GIRL!!! Im still waiting on my surgery date and cant wait for that day to come fast enough! I am finished with all my appointments so I dont know what happens next, Still have to go to seminar but thats about it.
I hope to hear something soon. Well keep up the good work, You look AWSOME! Good luck on the rest of your journey

Jennifer you are so awesome!!!! I am so proud of you!!! You truly are inspiring. Mary almost made me cry reading her post about you, and it is true. You are such an awesome person and I am so happy for all your successes so far. Just think where you will be in a year!!!! You have come so far already!!!!!!!!

Melissa, thank you for the kind words.. but i want to tell you and all the other Upstate gals, without yall I wouldnt of made it through the first month!!! Yall have been such an inspirational group and lift my spirits so high words cant explain... Just having people to talk to who are in the same situation is awesome.. and I love all of u for it!!!