How to I check to see what my status is for Insurance?
I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield, so I don't know if all insurance companies are similar or not. We have a web site called My Insurance Manager, you have to set up your account on it, and it has a link to check on your approval status for anything and everything you have every had to get approval for. Mine said PENDING for what seemed an eternity but was only 8 working days. It was so exciting to click on it and see the words APPROVED in place of PENDING. Check on the back of your insurance card to see if they have a website, or call the company you work for and ask them. Good luck!
Hey Girl! Imagine my shock as I'm scrolling through and see your name!!! Too Cool!
Go to then set up your account. Then just keep checking the authorization status or you can call the number on your card and bug the heck out of 'em til you get approved--hehehehe It shouldn't take more than 2 days once they have the paperwork. It took about 12 hours for them to approve the RNY for me and two days for the band.
I left a bag of protein samples and a few full containers of unflavored Unjury on your desk by your fan. With the unflavored, you can just add it to soup and stuff. There is also a bowel prep in there. I opened it but never used it, so don't freak out about the broken seal!! See ya later