LCBB - Come to Kylee's Baby Shower
Hey Rose, Susann, and Becca, I am soo thrilled, I think we are going to have fun, and of course Susann is a complete doll for letting this happen at her absolutely gorgeous new place.
To answer your question Rose, Mariska's room is Pooh, ( yeah I know so original huh) I do have a registry at BabiesRUs (registry # 54719756 or just search under kylee omary. Just for ideas. Pretty much as I have been telling people anything girly, or pooh. I'm easy.
I am mostly just looking forward to getting to spend more time with my LCBB friends that have come to mean so much over the last year. I don't know what I would have done with out you all!!!
Oh yeah easy,
I fyou want to change your av pic just go to the Main Message board and there will be a link on the left under your user name that says "User Settings" Click on that and it will take you right to a place to change your pic. Simple!
As for the 3D pics you can see them all here
Miss ya and love ya