I had a car accident tonight :'p
Well, I was drinving from work to the tanning bed feeling pretty good since I was out of work. I am driving down Woodruff and my right lane is free and clear, I'm almost to Discount Tire !
I am singing with the music, And I see from my left perphrial vision I see a huge SUV coming right in front of me. I hit her at about 35mph I was head on to her back quarter panel, the SUV then lifts up sort of over my Olds and turns around so me at the chick are face to face. My airbag did not deploy, I slammed foward and back, new comuter sitting in backseat is thrown against the back of my seat!
Yada, Yada, Yada, She is charged with failure to yeild and is asking him if I was being charged with speeding and he said no and she stormed away!
Went to Hillcrest with a hurt tummy, lower back and neck and shoulders, was there from 7:15 and just got home. I will live to see another day, back issue, sent home with drugs and will try to go to sleep now!
I was more angry because I am a single mom, cannot afford to get a car, just had the car worked n the day before for a couple hundred dol lars, AND a friends husband worked on getting my backdoors to open correctly for 6 hours last week so I did not have to pay 250.00 each to fix them and now.....
Ok! I had to vent to you guys, not sure now if I will see you all Monday or Tuesday nite but I will keep my fingers crossed!
First of all,
Secondly, her insurance will have to pay for your car to get fixed!!!! What a stupid, mean woman to storm off...like its your fault????
I hate mean people!!! I have had my fill of them lately too.
Praise God you are okay!!!!!
Bless you and hope you can sleep okay and your neck and back are okay too.!!

Oh, Patti. I am so sorry. Bless your heart. I know when something like this happens it just stresses everything out!! I am so happy to hear that you are ok though. Praise the Lord that you are sore and not in the hospital. If you need me to give you rides or anything please let me know. I will do my best to help you any way I can.