Completed 1st round, saw Dr. Morgan today for consult
I am now waiting for approval of insurance, which I know will be accepted because I have MUSC Options and usually they ok you within a few days....So next week hopefully I will have a scheduled surgery date.....doing a lap rny. I will have to go in the hospital a few days prior to surgery to get me off my coumadin and get me straight for surgery then I'll have to stay a wee bit longer in the hospital until my coumadin level gets theraputic again. So, my stay will be longer than most, but I feel safer knowing I'll be treated with all precautions. I really liked Dr. Morgan, she looks so young, but she's got a great brain.. Thank God for that...... I went through the 2 hours of class today, I saw the psy and dietian and all went very BMI was 55, but she said that she felt she could do a lap still. I'm praying that it all works out, I'll probably be out of work for 2 1/2 weeks....if they do the lap..... pray for me...
Congrats Linda...the first round is the big step to take. I hope you get your approval right away and I know you will do fine!
Don't know where in Charleston you are, be we have a group we call LCBB (Lowcountry Bypass Buddies) who meet on Thursday nights at JC's Bar & Grill on Ashley Phosphate (the owner, Cheryl, is a bypass patient of Dr. Byrne's and she has made up a menu just for us). We give each other support -- nice to have other people who know what you are going through. We are very informal and have a great group of people.

Yea! First round of appts done!
It sounds like you are on your way. I do not know if you saw my post about a week ago but MUSC Options is pulling WLS come 2007. So you are coming in under the wire. I have MUSC Options and I was approved in 4 days once they got all my paper work, which took a couple of weeks. They will assign you a case worker who will contact you after surgery to see how you are doing. My case worker calls every few months to check up on me. She is wonderful.
I wish you luck!

Yes I was. You go to the BlueChoice web page, On the main page to the right you will see "My Insurance Manager" The 3rd bullet will take you to that link. You will have to creat an account with password. You will be able to see when your claim starts the process. It will not show up until the paperwork is in and it is going through the review process. It took about 3 days for approval once I saw the claim that the claim was pending.
Good Luck and if there is anything else, please let me know.