Upstate Ladies!!! Anyone want to shop?!?!
Aww I would love to!!! But i am B-R-O-K-E this week!!! Rob said i am "Cut off" from shopping.. i think im addicted to it
LOL but i seriously need some winter clothes for karington!!! OMG She has NOTHING.. Maybe we should do a clothes swap for our kids?!? LOL I dunno what ages the other ones are. but I have one in 4 and 5's and the little one is in 12-18 mths.. (her and Karington were born TOTAL opposite seasons which really sucks, one in july, one in december) .. But does anyone else have girls on here and need little baby clothes? Or have 4 or 5s or 12-18 mth winter stuff? LOL i sound like a begger. .lmao.
They grow out of it so fast its crazy. and did i mention im broke?!?! Money goes so easily now days !! AGH lol.. so to answer your question Kathy, I am sorry but I am Jen, and i am an addicted shopper and I cannot go with you right now.. Give me some time for my checking account to recover, and me to pay off some bills, and we will talk then!! LOL.. But we should definately get Teagan and Karington, and the other gal's kids together one day for a "play date" It would be fun

(deactivated member)
on 9/28/06 9:49 pm - PA
on 9/28/06 9:49 pm - PA
I'm pretty much BROKE too, but it has been getting pretty cold here in the morning and I'm afraid if I don't get Teagan some warmer clothes that fit her properly, they are going to call Child Protective services on me!
I promised my hubby that I would only buy what is absolutely necessary. We'll see how that goes.

(deactivated member)
on 9/28/06 9:53 pm - PA
on 9/28/06 9:53 pm - PA
We definitely need to all get together. Maybe I'll just get Teagan a couple of things to last her through the week and we can plan on doing it next weekend?
I get more done when I shop alone, but it is not nearly as much fun. Besides, if Teagan doesn't have another child to distract her, she just whines about wanting to go home.

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/06 12:00 am - PA
on 9/29/06 12:00 am - PA
Then lets do it!
We can meet at Haywood Mall (or wherever) on Sunday around noon, feed the kiddos and ourselves, then shop. Will you bring at least Jenna?
It will be fun and I can see you because I don't think I will be going to the meeting on Monday.
Call me this evening or tomorrow and we can talk about it. Do you still have my card?