3 Mth check up....
Well, I was Hoping to be at 239 today.. since Dr Bour wanted me at 249.. but I was at 240 so i will take it!!!!!
Thats down from 320 total, and down from 311 since surgery!!!! SOOO 80 lbs TOTAL and 71 lbs since surgery 3 mths ago!!!!!
He wanted me to of lost 60 lbs as of 3 mths.. so im ahead of the game.. Katie said my "GOAL WEIGHT" for my HEIGHT (5'10 ) is 145 lbs!!!!! I was like WHAT!?!?!? She said they add 10% to that which makes my actual goal 160 lbs! I was thinking I would get to 185.. she said "lord no, youll be down to 160!" i was like okayyyyy.. So. Dr. bour said I have lost almost 45% of my excess body weight, and most at 3 mths have lost 40% and that I have moved the curve up now. SORRY GUYS LOL.. but I guess its a GOOD problem to have..
He said I wasnt broken, and there was nothing to fix, just to keep up the good work..
I told him how much i appreciate everything they have done.. I saw Dr. Russell Wed. and told him how I realized I have had an eating disorder starting with bulemia when i was 8, not knowing it was bulemia, it wasnt to LOSE weight, it was anxiety related.. then it turned into panic attacks to throw up.. and now I CANT throw up so I have dealt with it all and come to a point of realization of what has been wrong with me for 18 years! I had an epiphany about my eating disorder that i never REALIZED i had until surgery. He said "wow you did in 3 mths what most cant do in 20 yrs with therapy you should head up a group meeting!" I was like whooaaaa.. LOL.. it was funny. But all in all I feel great! Im in 16's now.. i cant believe it. i was in 24/26's!!! just 3 mths ago!!! which is crazy! I love this tool.. and all of your support has helped SOOO much along the way!!! Love yall...