New here. Anyone have SC State Empl. Health Insurance?
First off, Welcome
I am state employee and the only state insurance that covers the surgery is MUSC Options. From what I understand. If you can change, change. Oct is re-enrollment month. I think MUSC Options is not available to all state employees just the ones in the lowcountry area. Which I think is completely wrong
, so I am not sure if you will be eligible. Talk to your HR or benefits person, things may have changed.
Good Luck not only on your journey to the losing side but with becoming a teacher.

Hi, Sarina!
I work in Greenville County as a teaching assistant. Julie is right--only MUSC options covers weight loss surgery. It is ONLY available to 4 counties I think near the coast. However, I am currently working with US Rep Bob Inglis. He will be working on my behalf to get this corrected. I am actually sending in my paperwork to him today. What is provided to state employees should be uniform--we are doing the same job as those covered by MUSC options. We should have the same coverage, too!
Oooo--you lucky thing! MUSC is an option to you. You should have a choice of about 3 insurance plans. It is enrollment time for the new year--check with your benefits office. Change if you can! This is the only plan in SC for state employees that will cover wls. I wish I had that choice! Change! Change! Change!
OK I have to back up here...I read the county wrong. These counties are covered under MUSC options:
There is a clause however, that if you don't WORK in one of those counties, you have to LIVE in one of those counties. How close is Beaufort to one of those counties?
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