Anyone interested.... sharing the travel and hotel costs to go to the Lexington Ky even October 27th & 28th?
I haven't worked out my schedule yet and it's not a definite, but if I can get my coworker to trade a few days with me I'd like to go.
Its Friday 8am - 11pm and Saturday 8am-5pm. I have an SUV and want to drive, leaving Thursday afternoon, getting there Thursday night, checking into a nearby hotel (will book in advance for Thursday and Friday), doing the conference Friday and Saturday, then leaving for home after the event Saturday..not staying the night.
So gas and 2 nights hotel, plus food and registration.
If you register by 09-27 the fee is 85$ to include both days.
I'm game for up to 3 passenger/hotel room mates.
If we booked at the conference hotel/ Radison for one room with 4 adults for 2 nights its $360 divided by 4 = $90 each,
If each person fills the gas tank once $30-$50 that should cover both ways.
4 people / 85reg + 90hotel + 50gas = $225 plus food for 3 days
Less if we find an economy hotel and gas prices are friendly. Or mor if there are fewer than 4.
If you want to drive your self but share a room, stay longer shorter etc we could work it out. Or ride but get your own room.
LOL can you tell I like to plan ....
If it's along the way I can pick ya up on the way out if you dont live down my end.