Upstate Meeting Tomorrow NIght
im dieing to make it tomorrow! although chef ed is the speaker, im going to make sure i get to weigh at dr b's before my 3 mth appt wed!!! Im so apprehensive about it . i havent weighed there in like 3 weeks? or maybe 4? i cant remember.. But its always nerve racking weighing there. it never weighs me the same as at home! I am up for either place.. it doesnt matter to me! talk to yall tomorrow!

(deactivated member)
on 9/17/06 11:11 pm - PA
on 9/17/06 11:11 pm - PA
I'm definitely gonna be at Dr. Bour's meeting, I have to get vitamins and stuff from the store anyway.
I don't care where we meet afterwards. However, I may not even make it because I am so tired all I can think about is going straight to BED after I get home from work. (My fault - too much TV.)
I'm happy wherever as long as we are together.